Archive for September, 2008

Our New View

As most of you know we have a neighborhood being built next to us, and along with that was the issue of the removal of the fence. What I found out the night I posted about the missing side fence, we saw that they removed a whole section of our fence on our property. There was no notification of this and many, many phone calls with different people trying to get an answer. The project manager of the fence was supposed to meet me today to discuss the problem, well shocker he never called or met with me.

But while I was putting Owen down for nap, I hear a chain saw at work. Bad thoughts started to enter my head as a small portion of our front fence did encroach their property so we could connect to the existing fence. Oh no – is the same thing going to happen to my front as the back. Instead of removing the 8 inches over the property, they removed about 8 feet from the back.

You can imagine the moment I finished putting down Owen, I went outside to inspect. Well there were four boards missing from my front fence. I saw the fence workers over there (never seen them before, I swear they work while I am not here), so I went over to ask some questions. He assured me that my plants in my new garden were fine and that they are going to remove our front fence post and connect it to the new fence. I then asked about the back and he replied “Oh we were always planning to reconnect your section and fix it to the new fence.”

Ah finally the answer I wanted to hear that I have been trying to get from the manager. Managers don’t ever know what is going on!!!! I then was shocked when he said it should be completely finished today. Wow that’s quick. This was at 1:30, and when I returned home from a playdate at 5:30, it was done. WooHoo! Freedom in our yard again. No worries about the dogs. No need to keep an eye on one child and two dogs while playing. And a little blockage from the new houses and construction. Ahhh!

September 18, 2008 at 5:56 pm Leave a comment

Sweet Boy

As any parent knows tantrums and showing independence come hand in hand with toddlers. In the past month we have seen these both start growing more common. Owen is not too bad, but he can throw a good tantrum here and there. So when they do something so sweet you want to remember it.

Today Owen and I were playing cars, he was driving his on the fireplace and I was driving the pile into rows. Halfway through my project, Owen began to watch me, then when I drove the last car in line he looked at me with a sweet face and said “Good job Mommy.”

Then later in the day, he was sitting at his table and requested to play truck stickers, so I told him I would bring it. I placed the book on his table and again with a sweet face he said “Thank you Mommy.” Ahhhh – good memory!

September 17, 2008 at 5:35 pm Leave a comment

Caitlyn & Ashley

We went to visit our friends Kim, Caitlyn and Ashley this morning. It was so nice to catch up with my friend and Caitlyn and Owen were very cute together. They played great together and did a lot of chasing each other around. Owen as always found two bugs to hold to (many tears having to leave them behind) but also enjoyed playing with the Polly Pocket’s dog and bucket as he called it (it’s a basket). He also enjoyed the little brush, he brushed his teeth, hair and toes. We headed over to the neighborhood playground and then to the creek to throw rocks. It was very sweet, we had them hold hands to keep them both going in the right direction. This has worked for us in the past. They were so cute and when we walked home, they did again even while climbing the stairs. Happy found a girl who wants to hold his hand and likes the tickling – wish they lived closer. Owen also enjoyed talking about baby Ashley and gave her a snuggle and of course some tickles. We also got to have some very yummy banana bread, Kim makes the best.

Walking to the Playground

Playing Chase

Caitlyn Exploring and Owen Running Up and Down the Hill

Friends Holding Hands

Friends Watching Ducks

Caitlyn Opening Her Present – Owen Watched and Played with the Extra Paper

Trying Out the Tunnel While Kim Builds Tent

Trying the Ladybug Tent Out

Owen Tickling a Laughing Caitlyn

September 16, 2008 at 6:50 pm Leave a comment

Over the River….

….And Through the Woods to Grandma’s House we Go.

Omer was gone all day at the Redskins game (which they won – WooHoo), so the rest of us headed over to Grandma’s house. As always Owen was excited to hear where we were off to and we all had a wonderful time. Owen and Emma were super adorable together. She kept bringing him stuff to play with. They also did a lot of running around together and even found a spot in front of the door to sit together and chat. Owen of course wanted to tickle her, she seems to like it the first time, but after about 10 times she started to get annoyed. More little boy. 🙂 He also enjoyed some Grandma rides, books and of course car play and puppy snuggles. We even went outside in the VERY hot, humid day for some sand play and swinging. And Owen saw the tractor in the shed, ran over, climbed up and started to drive. Well then Grandma and him actually rode the tractor around the yard. He held on the steering wheel and concentrated with joy. After his nap (which he sadly got woken up by the phone we forgot to turn off in his room – oh well he’d slept for 2 hours) he wanted to drive the tractor more. It definitely was the highlight for him.

The pups also love going down there. Chloe is a true farm dog and goes in and out and explores the yard. Chester likes it but prefers to stay with me – shocker. They did both enjoy “herding” the tractor.

Running with Sand Bucket

Emma with Sand Bucket

Up and Down the “Mountain”

Tractor Found

Tractor Driving with Grandma

More Tractor Driving

They Found a Private Spot

Tickling Smiles

Riding Grandma

Wagon Ride

After Nap Tractor Driving

September 15, 2008 at 12:58 am Leave a comment

International Children’s Festival

We headed up to the festival held at Wolf Trap thinking it would be a lot of fun. Not going to say it was the best time all of us had, but not horrible. I think it is geared toward a little older children and the music areas are VERY loud. So loud you can’t even hear the person next to you, so we had to leave those in fear of our child losing his hearing. But Owen seemed to have a pretty good time. Got to see a Chinese dragon, or as Owen insisted a caterpillar. Also got to play with lots of instruments and see some wonderful Chinese dancing. He did seem to enjoy that part. And then they have a huge area with tents from different countries with activities for kids, such as stamp art, gluing, water and sand, and instruments. He also did love hearing the drum music from afar and kept saying “boom, boom, boom”.

Click on Picture to View Album

September 14, 2008 at 12:37 am Leave a comment

Baby Bird

While Owen and I were enjoying the most wonderful cool morning weather playing outside, I noticed the dogs were acting very strange at the back of the yard right under the pine trees. I knew exactly what they were doing, there was an animal. Owen was preoccupied so I went to see what they found. It was a baby bird. Luckily Chloe and Chester are not killers so they were sniffing around and trying to figure out what it was. As it was stunned and not moving I thought at first it was dead. After getting the dogs away from the area, I went and grabbed the dog poo picker-upper to find that it had moved. Well good to know it was still alive. I didn’t see it anywhere, so went back to playing with Owen.

Well we started to run around the lawn when I passed by the vegetable garden and saw the small little bird hopping around over there. It had gotten far. Well Owen became curious as well. We both looked at the bird and I told him how he was hurt and his mommy would come back and get him, but that we need to leave it alone. My gentle little boy looked at me and said “I’m sorry birdie. Hurt birdie. Where’s mommy?” He never even attempted to go touch or bother it. So sweet he was so concerned.

We then headed out for Wee Play class and I very much hoped that mom bird would find its baby and return it to their home, but after I put Owen down for his nap (about 3 hours after leaving the bird) he was still out there. Poor little guy, I felt so horrible for it. Lost its mom and all alone. I called Fairfax Animal Control and they came by to look at what I had found. Well he was shocked it was actually a baby, this is not their breeding season. But he confirmed it was and didn’t look to be really injured just not able to fly yet. He said that many times when the mother bird can not feed all its babies it will toss the weakest out of the nest. If they fall out of the nest the mom would retrieve the bird, but being she hadn’t it probably was pushed out. I am not joking I really wanted to cry. How very sad! Living on a pig farm for several years I know many animals including pigs do this, but witnessingthis act made me feel horrible. (I am an animal lover.) The officer grabbed the bird and said he would take it back to the shelter and it would be nursed until he could be freed. If I am being naive then please don’t tell me, I am going to think that that will actually happen and baby bird will be flying around in not time taunting his mother who disowned him.

September 12, 2008 at 6:17 pm 1 comment

The Helmet

As I have mentioned we have been in search of a Redskins helmet for little heads. Well there is none out there, but I did find one for a 4-5 year old. It came with the helmet, shoulder pads, pants and jersey, and I had planned to use this as his Halloween costume. Even though I figured it would be big, I decided to go ahead and order it. The outfit actually looks like it will fit good enough, little baggy but fine and the helmet (what Owen actually has been asking for) fits fine for what he wants it for. Owen was very excited to open his gift and enjoyed running around with his helmet. He even started to sing the Redskins song. I am sure it makes Omer smile VERY big to see his little football fan.

A Present Opening Pro

“Big Helmet”

Snuggling the Shirt

And Pants Too

Trying on the Helmet

Owen the Running Back

Owen the Quarterback

Very Happy Boy

Hiding in the Football Helmet

Little Redskins Fan

September 11, 2008 at 11:39 pm Leave a comment


1. Owen likes to tickle everyone even when they don’t want to be tickled. Mainly loves to tickle babies.
2. “I’m very sorry” – Very cute to hear him say this even when I’m not sure what he’s sorry for.
3. “Ketchup on the B” – Owen loves ketchup, he will just stick his fork in it and lick it off. He will ask for ketchup to be on the B on his plate, it says Animal Baby.
4. Owen has finally started to try to use his fork. He has known how, but never interested in doing it. He will now throughout dinner use his fork and every time he will look at both of us claps his hands and say “YAY”. We have to do it back to him before he will continue. Good to encourage him to use the fork, but lots of clapping during dinner.
5. Snuggling – It is no surprise my son likes to snuggle. He snuggles all animals, living or stuffed, big or small. Yesterday we were drawing with chalk and I drew a butterfly and ladybug, he put his cheek up to it and said “snuggle buggies”.
6. Snapping – As you read he learned to snap his rocker, so now he wants to snap his car seat, swing and booster seat. He’s pretty good at it. 
7. “Owen Cry” – He will join in when another toddler or baby is crying. Cute but annoying. He doesn’t really start crying, just whines a little that “Owen cries too” and then stops. At least he is showing sympathy.
8. He can recite the entire Chicka Chicka Boom Boom book (short board book version).  
9. “Ride in car for suckie” – We have had some sleep issues, waking early and such. When this happens he is tired around 9:00 and stands at the door saying “ride in car for suckie”. Once again cute but annoying.
10. “2 Circles” – Owen has discovered what M&M’s are. We had them in a chex mix awhile ago, and he is a BIG fan. He calls them circles and will request the colors. I have only ever allowed him to have 2 at a time so that is how he asks for them. Cute to see his chocolaty face afterwards.

September 11, 2008 at 5:51 pm Leave a comment

What Happens While You are Gone

While we were away at a playdate for two hours this morning, the builders tore down the fence next to us that connects to our fence. I was completely shocked. Not even warned that this was going to happen today. Thought they would have at least told me, but actually they haven’t informed us of anything else, why now. There is a very flimsy barrier marking the tree area but about a quarter of it is completely open. Not going to be fun with two dogs and a small child who all like to be outside. Not very safe! Trust me I have made the call already, and hopefully I’ll get some answers, but not expecting any one to really bend over backwards, they haven’t yet. So hoping they replace their fence ASAP. I feel sorry for all those people that have had to live next to construction, it is miserable. The noise, the trespassing, the stress all horrible. The only good thing is Owen getting to see diggers at work, but he doesn’t seem too interested in in anymore.

September 11, 2008 at 5:36 pm 1 comment

Library Books

I have added a new widget, Library Books. Take a look on the right side. I had worked on this one other time with no luck. WordPress does not support Library Thing, but found another way to get it working tonight. Still trying to work a few kinks out, listing books that aren’t recent, but they still are all good books. We obviously read many other books that we own, but love getting library books and wanted to share with others books that we like.

September 10, 2008 at 1:38 am 1 comment

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