Stroller Walking

September 30, 2008 at 12:46 am 1 comment

Owen always loves to play with baby strollers when he visits his friends. I have wanted to get one for him for awhile and for some reason never have found a none pink one in the store. Come on this is not a girl toy!!! So online I went and found a blue stroller. Yay! It arrived today and Owen was beyond excited. He played with it for a straight 2 hours.

We took the stroller and the pups to go on the neighborhood path walk, where I found that Owen is much quicker pushing a stroller than just walking along with us. Owen loved having a stroller to push and even insisted putting his blankie in it to push along. Too cute! He also didn’t like when his wheels got dirty and would stop and clean them off.

Once we reached the end he wanted to keep going so we walked around the sidewalks. After our loop we finally made it home where Owen pitched a fit because he still wanted to push his stroller on the sidewalks. We left the pups and went for another quick loop, he was so happy. When we finally made it back home and I was making dinner he kept playing with the stroller. He would put things in it and push it to deliver to the other room. Then he started to drive his cars on the couch with stroller sitting with him. Glad he liked his toy so much.

Stroller Walking

Cleaning Wheels

Walking Very Fast

More Walking

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Weekend of Chores Rough Visit

1 Comment Add your own

  • 1. mom  |  September 30, 2008 at 8:48 pm

    Love the stroller walking with blankie!!


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