Archive for September 28, 2008

Weekend of Chores

This is one of the only completely free weekends we have in October, so we used it to finally get some stuff done off our Honey-Do Lists. It was great. I love when I get a lot of chores accomplished.

Saturday was a little rough, Owen took a later morning car nap for 20 minutes so during his actual nap time he decided to play for an hour and then be done. Eek! I know many kids that can miss a nap and be fine, but Owen is not one of those kids. He is absolutely miserable when he does not get sleep, which makes us all on edge. So after some TV watching, Omer headed out with Owen and he took another car nap. Not ideal, but only way to save the rest of the day. Ugh, all that gas and pollution. But we needed Owen to be at least in a decent mood as we had some friends over later in the afternoon. He did okay but not nearly his normal fun self. We made it through the evening though.

One of the chores that I did this weekend was put up Owen’s new border. He likes it a little too much. After I spent close to an hour tearing the old one down and installing the new one, he decided to tear down the whole section around his bed. ARGH! I was not happy. He did talk about tearing it down all day, so i guess I should have known. He did try to put it back up after tearing it down, obviously with no luck. I think he thought it was a giant sticker.

Also on Saturday, once the rain cleared we headed out to get some yard stuff done. While Omer and I tore down weeds and trimmed plants back, Owen and the pups had a great time playing out front. Sunday was a true day of house stuff. I couldn’t believe how much stuff I got done. I organized three closets and got about 90% done cleaning out the nursery. On top of it, Owen was in a great mood and took a wonderful nap. Always make it a nice day.

September 28, 2008 at 1:07 pm Leave a comment

September 2008

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