Archive for September 26, 2008

James’ Room

Jenn and James had Owen and I over this afternoon for a playdate. Owen talks about James a lot at home and gets very excited when we see him. Now that we are in separate Wed playgroups, we decided we needed to get the boys together, and us, to catch up.

It was a great playdate, Jenn and I talked in the living room while Owen and James played in his room, by choice. They were with us for a little and then off they went. James likes to close the door so we really have no clue what they were doing. We heard lots of squeals, laughs, and happy play noises. Always nice! Occasionally they would come out and show us something and then run back to the room. It is wonderful that at this age they can do this, and want to.

Owen was VERY sad to have to leave, but Mommy has to make dinner. Eventually I just had to pick him up and make him leave while listening to the loud cries. While strapping him in the car, James watched from the window and through Owen’s tears he kept telling him bye. It was sad and cute at the same time.

September 26, 2008 at 12:48 pm Leave a comment

September 2008

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