I Have Been Replaced

September 20, 2008 at 12:13 am Leave a comment

So I knew this day would come, just didn’t expect it to come this soon. Owen has always been a fan of Daddy, always loved playing with him, but this week this love has escalated. This all has made me smile so big and of course Omer has a beaming smile.

The other day Owen was so upset when Daddy left for work. While Daddy was at the door, Owen kept calling “Daddy, Daddy, Daddy” over and over. Poor Omer had to leave but was sad doing it. Owen was even sadder, watched him through the window and kept calling for him. Finally he calmed down and then told me “Daddy goes to work, he’ll be home soon.” Then 30 minutes later Owen got sad again and just wouldn’t calm down, so we took a wagon ride and walked the dogs before the playgroup showed up at my house. This worked, he was happy.

Owen gets absolutely excited when Omer sits and eats breakfast with us and plays a little in the morning. He is so cute when Omer gets home, and they play all their games. Games that Mommy is not usually allowed to join in.

Well this evening it was the nail in the head. Owen has always preferred me to read him his bedtime stories. If Omer needs to do it, he will call for me or say “No Mommy reads”. Well I got the other end of that tonight. I was sitting there, waiting to read while Omer got Owen’s PJs on after bath. He picked up his dump truck book looked at me and said “Daddy read book”. I asked if Mommy could and he said no and then told me to leave. I pouted! So I sadly got up and left leaving the door ajar. Well as I was walking down the hallway, Owen got up and closed the door all the way. Ouch!

The catch is that when he is having a bad dream tonight or wakes up super early, who’s name gets called – Mommy. Oh well, it is part of the job.

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A Fun Morning The Box Car

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