Archive for September 18, 2008

Our New View

As most of you know we have a neighborhood being built next to us, and along with that was the issue of the removal of the fence. What I found out the night I posted about the missing side fence, we saw that they removed a whole section of our fence on our property. There was no notification of this and many, many phone calls with different people trying to get an answer. The project manager of the fence was supposed to meet me today to discuss the problem, well shocker he never called or met with me.

But while I was putting Owen down for nap, I hear a chain saw at work. Bad thoughts started to enter my head as a small portion of our front fence did encroach their property so we could connect to the existing fence. Oh no – is the same thing going to happen to my front as the back. Instead of removing the 8 inches over the property, they removed about 8 feet from the back.

You can imagine the moment I finished putting down Owen, I went outside to inspect. Well there were four boards missing from my front fence. I saw the fence workers over there (never seen them before, I swear they work while I am not here), so I went over to ask some questions. He assured me that my plants in my new garden were fine and that they are going to remove our front fence post and connect it to the new fence. I then asked about the back and he replied “Oh we were always planning to reconnect your section and fix it to the new fence.”

Ah finally the answer I wanted to hear that I have been trying to get from the manager. Managers don’t ever know what is going on!!!! I then was shocked when he said it should be completely finished today. Wow that’s quick. This was at 1:30, and when I returned home from a playdate at 5:30, it was done. WooHoo! Freedom in our yard again. No worries about the dogs. No need to keep an eye on one child and two dogs while playing. And a little blockage from the new houses and construction. Ahhh!

September 18, 2008 at 5:56 pm Leave a comment

September 2008

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