Archive for September 15, 2008

Over the River….

….And Through the Woods to Grandma’s House we Go.

Omer was gone all day at the Redskins game (which they won – WooHoo), so the rest of us headed over to Grandma’s house. As always Owen was excited to hear where we were off to and we all had a wonderful time. Owen and Emma were super adorable together. She kept bringing him stuff to play with. They also did a lot of running around together and even found a spot in front of the door to sit together and chat. Owen of course wanted to tickle her, she seems to like it the first time, but after about 10 times she started to get annoyed. More little boy. 🙂 He also enjoyed some Grandma rides, books and of course car play and puppy snuggles. We even went outside in the VERY hot, humid day for some sand play and swinging. And Owen saw the tractor in the shed, ran over, climbed up and started to drive. Well then Grandma and him actually rode the tractor around the yard. He held on the steering wheel and concentrated with joy. After his nap (which he sadly got woken up by the phone we forgot to turn off in his room – oh well he’d slept for 2 hours) he wanted to drive the tractor more. It definitely was the highlight for him.

The pups also love going down there. Chloe is a true farm dog and goes in and out and explores the yard. Chester likes it but prefers to stay with me – shocker. They did both enjoy “herding” the tractor.

Running with Sand Bucket

Emma with Sand Bucket

Up and Down the “Mountain”

Tractor Found

Tractor Driving with Grandma

More Tractor Driving

They Found a Private Spot

Tickling Smiles

Riding Grandma

Wagon Ride

After Nap Tractor Driving

September 15, 2008 at 12:58 am Leave a comment

September 2008

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