Archive for May 28, 2008


As a parent of a toddler, I try to keep my corrections and disciplineĀ calm and polite. Owen responds to this style much better than abrupt yelling or hard punishment. He is really not that difficult and really doesn’t try to do too many bad things throughout the day (hope this continues but I am not naive), so this makes it a little easier.

But what I find very humorous is that he tends to correct himself before I do. These corrections usually come with him looking at me and telling me what not to do. It is very cute.

This morning he did this which made me think about all the other ones he does. This morning we were downstairs and the dehumidifier is running. As he should, he was curious what it was. I told him and then said but “we don’t touch”. So throughout the morning he’d go over, hover his hand on it, look at me and say “no touch” and then walk away and he’d say “thank you”.

The other corrections he commonly says are:
1) “Yucky” – when he puts something he shouldn’t in his mouth
2) “No Pick Flowers” – you can figure out why I have instilled this in him
3) “Down Please” – imagine one leg raised acting like he is about to climb something he shouldn’t
4) “Don’t Throw” -trying to work on what is appropriate to throw and not
5) “Sit Down” – likes to stand on chair at his table sometimes
6) “This Way” – which path to go on
7) “Hot” – so he doesn’t touch grill or oven

I am proud he is also very polite and will say “thank you” when given something or “please” when he wants something. (Obviously I have to prompt this sometimes.) But the cute thing is when he wants me to hold or take something, he will give it to me and then say “thank you”. Makes me giggle every time.

May 28, 2008 at 6:52 pm 1 comment

May 2008

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