Archive for May 26, 2008

Family Farm Fun

Yes, we got to carve some family fun out this weekend, only because of the long holiday weekend though. Omer had never been to Frying Pan Farm, so with once again another gorgeous day we headed over for some family fun at the farm. Owen loves this place; it is a working farm where people come and visit and pet the animals.

Owen quickly started to run to the barn areas. He was excited to see all the animals and would say their name and its sound when we saw them. But I think the highlights were the tractor driving, the cows and chickens, and some good ole chase. He got to pet one of the goats and I was proud to say he was very gently, patted him like he does to the dogs. He also got to feed two cows.

We might make this a more common trip, very empty on the weekends, and always fun to see farm animals.

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May 26, 2008 at 5:52 pm Leave a comment

Showoff for Jenni

Omer and I had a wedding to go to this evening, so my sister Jenni came up to watch Owen. From the report, Owen did pretty good for her and they did a lot of playing and throwing and new games. Always nice to hear. We were a little nervous because we hadn’t had anyone put Owen to bed since October (I know, long time, but never had the need), but all went well and Owen slept pretty good. He did wake an hour early this morning, which I believe was because he knew I would be home then. It was discussed several times by me and Jenni (later on) that mommy would be back after bed and in the morning. He asked about me a couple times and that was when Jenni would tell him. Oh well just a little more time to snuggle in bed together in the morning (but I should be napping right now instead of blogging). 🙂

This morning, Owen was a completely different child. We think he was showing off for Jenni. Our normal morning consists of a quiet breakfast and then some Owen playing with his cars usually by himself and enjoying his toys after a long break through the night. Well not this morning. He did probably 15 laps around the middle floor with a huge grin on his face, yelling the whole time “Go, Go, Go!” or “Owen Going!”. Then he gave Jenni his little elephant (party favor from James) and then the big elephant. Then he got his ABC puzzle and one by one piled the letters in her lap while telling her the letter. Jenni left to go get dressed and once she came back he got very exited, did a couple more laps and then started to pile his cars on her lap. (He likes to do this.)

When it was time for her to leave, I told him to give her a kiss goodbye and he ran over and smacked a nice wet one on her. Good to see he loves his aunt Jenni.

Doing Laps (could he be a track star)

Letter Pile on Jenni

Car Pile on Jenni

May 26, 2008 at 5:45 pm Leave a comment

May 2008

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