Archive for May 17, 2008

Rocknoceros Concert

Hunter Mill Day School hosted a Rocknoceros concert (a kids rock band) this morning and opened up their grounds for visitors. It seems like a while since we have had a fun family outing, so we were all excited for some good ole family fun. The school’s ground are amazing, we got to see chickens, ponies, and sheep. Then we hiked the little trail to the creek where they had small fish nets for the kids to play with. Owen really took to dipping it in the water and bringing it up to splash. He even walked in the creek a little but didn’t seem to like that his feet got wet; the water was cold.

After that we headed back and checked out the playground. There was some really fun structures built like a boat and car. He of course wanted to swing but with no infant swing I thought we’d try the big boy swing. He loved it. He held on tight and after I felt comfortable I let go and let him swing. It was so cute; he’s growing up.

But as always Owen found the trucks. He carried the digger with him back to the concert area and held onto it until he went to go dance. To thwart a major tantrum over having to leave the truck I told Omer to take it back. But Owen came back and asked for the “digger” and looked at us with the sadest face. Our hearts sunk, we felt so bad, but we made it out with no tears so all was good.

Owen was pretty cute during the concert, he actually sat down and enjoyed a picnic lunch and then made me walk him up and then wanted to stand on the sidelines for a little. Then he slowly made his way to the crowd and boogied down. We all had a great time and glad to have carved out some family time with this busy month.

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May 17, 2008 at 7:06 pm Leave a comment

May 2008

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