Archive for April, 2008

Chalk and Flowers

This afternoon, I finally pulled out the sidewalk chalk. Owen took to it right away. I figured while we could we would draw on the concrete on the porch. Just like when we color, he handed me the chalk and requested an item, mostly cars, trucks and shapes. He did also scribble with them some.

Taking all the Chalk Out

Chalk Drawing

Chalk Butt

Chalk Running

Then Erica came over to visit and have some dinner. While I caught up with my friend Owen was driving his cars over the “big step” as Owen called it from the porch to the patio. We enjoyed a nice dinner outside on the patio with the commentary from Owen regarding the planes and bees.

After dinner Owen went to go pick some flowers and was handing them to Erica. He made her a bouquet. Erica kept saying thank you after he gave her one and Owen would repeat. He also wouldn’t give her any of the pretty purple flowers just the purple weeds. 🙂 When we were saying by to Erica, I told Owen to give her a kiss and he smacked one on her cheek. (Craig, you better watch out!)

Making a Bouquet

Very Proud Owen

April 17, 2008 at 11:25 pm 1 comment

Statements & Requests

Owen can say small sentences and likes to use this new skill quite often through the day. He makes lots of statements but most revolve around “I like…cars, trucks, diggers, etc.” He also announces when he is doing something, such as “I drink” or “I go up”.

But the cutest is when he makes a request. Like this morning, we were eating breakfast and he finished all his mango and looked at me and said “more mango”. Then he decided he wanted his smoothie, so as I am getting up he said “more fee-fee (smoothie)”. I wanted to make sure I got what he wanted so I asked “Do you want mango or smoothie?” He looked at me with his sweet little face and stated “I said fee-fee!”. This is not the first time he has made this sort of request. And when he does, I can’t help but think it’s cute. I do make him ask me nicely and add a please on the end of his requests.

April 17, 2008 at 5:59 pm Leave a comment

Birthday Lunch

Kim and my birthday’s are within weeks of each other so we decided to get together at Fairfax Corner for some kid play time and lunch. The kids had fun as always at Tree Top Toys playing with trains, cars, animals and the playground. We then headed over to REI where the kids love to play with the bikes and Owen loves to play with his car around the mirror in the show section. I wanted to get Owen a pair of Crocs because he loved them last summer so much. I let him choose the color, yes I know. 🙂 He went and pulled down the orange ones. He absolutely loved them and wouldn’t let me take them off so we bought them and walked out the store. On the ride home, he kept saying “orange shoes!”. We then enjoyed a delicious lunch at Chipotle. It was a nice visit with our friends.

Bench Sitting

Bench Walking

Running to See the Bikes at REI

Caitlyn Walking to REI

Going Through the Pillars at REI

April 16, 2008 at 6:23 pm Leave a comment

Different Use for Bookends

This morning I guess Owen got bored with the multitude of cars and decided to pull down his bookends and play with them instead. He was in his own little world once again and having a blast. He pretty much was putting one of his men through the window in the car. He also likes to drive them.

“In the Car”

“On the Car”

Making Him Slide


Driving the Bookend

April 16, 2008 at 6:09 pm Leave a comment

Fire Truck

Babaanne got Owen this fire truck awhile back and he has always enjoyed playing with it, but today he decided to use it as a push toy. He pulled the ladder up and pushed away. He looked so serious.

April 15, 2008 at 5:40 pm Leave a comment

Patio Done

As I have mentioned we have been having a flagstone patio installed in our backyard. Well this afternoon, the guys finished the patio; it looks great. After a super nap from Owen, he immediately wanted to go out back (once again). He was also excited to have the “rocks” all down and to have a flat surface to push his lawn mower. He gets frustrated in the yard because he gets stuck, so now he was really moving. He kept pushing to the end and back.

Rock Mowing

Hope He Doesn’t Try This When the Porch is Screened In

More Mowing (Notice he put his flowers on the top of the mower.)

Chloe Really Enjoyed the Patio Too

April 14, 2008 at 5:40 pm Leave a comment

What a Weekend!

We had a very busy weekend, but in a good way. Saturday was so gorgeous Owen pretty much played out back the whole day minus meal times and a super nap. He likes the patio (or what there is of it right now); he was stomping the pebbles and enjoyed pushing his lawnmower on the new surface. Other than that our time outside is Owen exploring the yard and picking flowers.

Omer started on the playground around 10:30 and then our friend John came over to help at 1:00 (THANKS JOHN!) and they plugged away on it until about 4:30. They got a good chunk if it done, but there is probably 4 more hours of work. Poor Omer was exhausted after his long day of work but when Owen woke up and immediately came outside, he wanted to explore this new structure. He went under it and then demanded “up please”. He was so excited with it and I think Omer was right about getting the one with the clubhouse; Owen seemed to really like the windows. He even told Omer “thank you Daddy”; that makes it all worth it. 🙂

We then had a couple friends over for dinner, and even though Owen hadn’t seen Jason and Michele in quite some time, he was all smiles for them. Then John and Jodi arrived and after a little bit he gave Jodi two of his flowers. She asked him to show her the flowers, and he quickly ran off to give her the flower tour, as I call it.

Sunday morning, right after breakfast Owen wanted outside. A bit chiller but on went the jacket and outside again. Omer started back up on the playground and after Owen’s usual outside routine he picked up his golf clubs to play with, he still only likes to carry them around and will kick the golf ball. 🙂 The boys last night moved the playground out to the yard, and Owen wanted back up to help Omer build. Then the boys were off to see Omer’s parents while I ran a bunch of errands. From what I hear they had a great time and Owen can now say “buyukbaba” which is grandfather in Turkish. He came home with a cute red truck which he played with the whole time and even took with him to nap with.

Then after his nap we are off to our friend’s house for dinner. Like I said, What a Weekend!

Omer and John Hard at Work, Nice to See They are in Good Spirits

John Left the Picture to Make it Look Like Omer Built it All

John was the First in the Playground

What’s Daddy Doing Up There?

Getting Help Up

Peeking Out the Window

“Thank You Daddy!”

Big Playground Smiles

Happy Son and Tired Daddy

Helping Daddy Build

Kicking the Golf Ball

Carrying the Golf Course

April 13, 2008 at 6:51 pm 2 comments

Mystery Solved

Like I have mentioned sleeping during March was not the greatest and we could explain a couple days with the ear infection and allergic reaction to penicillin but the rest of the month was a mystery to us, but I believe we have solved it – Owen was teething. It looks like all of his 2-year molars have broke through his gums. I saw a little white one day back there when we were laughing and in the next days tried to get Owen to show me, and it is confirmed the last molars are in. WooHoo! This means we are done with teething, and hopefully the drool will lessen as well. 🙂

April 12, 2008 at 7:18 pm Leave a comment

Playground Dogs

This morning Owen and I took the pups for a walk; he rides in the wagon. My plan was to walk the pups and then stop by the neighborhood playground. This worked so nicely last time, and once again I got lucky and there was no one there. It’s very funny to me though because the pups get concerned when Owen is in the playground structure. They’re fine when he is running around but once he’s up there Chloe whines for him and Chester tries to climb the ladder.

Concerned Fur Siblings

As always he enjoyed spinning the dinosaur game and talking about the ABC’s. But he also enjoyed going between the horse and squirrel. I made him put his flowers in his pocket so he could hold on.

“Horse, Neigh, Weee”

For some reason, he was really into trying to walk along the wood. He would make it a couple steps and then lose his balance.

Playground Running

April 11, 2008 at 6:23 pm Leave a comment

First Shorts

Today was really warm and Owen got to wear his first shorts of the season. Don’t know why, but I think he looks so cute in shorts and so grown up. My little boy is definitately growing up. This morning we went to Walker Nature Center in Reston for a toddler time. Owen got to play with stamps and create a flower craft and talk a walk to find the colors of spring. We had a great time.

Then this afternoon, we headed over to a friend’s house for a playgroup. Owen was being very hot and cold here. He would be having a great time and then just get angry, I think he was having trouble keeping hold of the toy he was playing with. There was a point where Owen wanted to go inside and play by himself. Makes me a little sad to see Owen get something snatched away from him or get pushed away. He won’t do it back or really defend himself too often so he just gets upset and I feel so bad that he doesn’t understand why they can’t play together. I know this is just this age, but still makes me upset for him. Thanks Tamra for taking pictures.

Ready for the Playgroup

Who is this lady taking my picture?

Playing with the Dump Truck

After dinner, it was of course back outside. Where Owen went straight to picking flowers. Omer gets a little trigger happy with the camera so there was a lot to choose from but he takes great pictures so please excuse lots of pictures of really one thing. 🙂

Running with Flowers

Picking Flowers by the Fence

Purple Flowers

More Running


April 10, 2008 at 11:59 pm Leave a comment

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