Another Busy Weekend

April 20, 2008 at 5:53 pm 1 comment

Do you see a theme for our weekends? The past month we have been swamped, all fun stuff but still very busy. I am looking forward to a weekend of nothing to do except enjoy some family time.

Saturday, we started the day off with a visit from Becko and Babaanna. Owen had a great time playing with his new tractor toy and of course we went outside to run around. When we told Owen that Babaanna was coming over he kept saying “Chief” (her cat). I think it is adorable that he has that association.

Then I was off to a bridal shower and Omer and Owen enjoyed some Daddy and Son time. As Omer has been working here and there on the playground after work, he really had hoped Owen would take a good nap as he has been and he could get it finished. But Owen had different plans. Poor Omer didn’t have much time to get the playground done at all, but did enjoy a visit to the fish store, one of Owen’s favorite places to visit. But once I got back, Omer was able to tackle some more of the playground.

Then on Sunday, we went to my Mom’s house for a whole family BBQ. We were celebrating my mom, sister-in-law and my birthday’s. Poor Larry had prepped all this fun stuff for everyone outside to find that it rained most the day. Oh well, it’s the thought that counts, right? We all still had a great time and it was wonderful to see everyone again.

When we got there, it had just stopped raining and the cows were in the front field, so with our track record of always missing them, we quickly got our coats on and went to see the cows. Owen loved it and kept moo-ing. After a wonderful long nap from Owen he enjoyed playing with his cousins, Michele, Nicholas and Emma. I have never seen Owen run around being crazy like that before, but wow did he have fun.

When we got home, it stopped raining long enough for Omer to finish the playground. Yep, it is all done!!! The only sad thing is Owen hasn’t been able to explore it because of all this rain, but we can’t wait.

Running to the See the Cows

Checking Out the Cows with Grandma

“Moo Cows Moo”

Moo Cow

Emma and the Cow

We went to find Cardinal the Bull. He wouldn’t stand up for us so we could see his full size (he’s over 1 ton) because he didn’t want to leave his dry spot.

Look at the Size of His Head!

Me, Owen, Grandma, Grandpa, Emma and Alice

More Cows

Owen Showed Pixey the Cat his Number 8

Emma and Owen

Owen was picking flowers and Emma handed one to him, it was adorable.

Owen Loved Playing the Piano with Jimmy

Grandma got this shirt for him and he was showing Jimmy the “DUMP TRUCK!”

The Whole (well mostly) Family for Present Opening

Notice Owen in the Middle, He was VERY Excited

More Piano Playing but This Time with Michele

Proud Omer – Finished the Playground Even With All the Rain

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I Love You First Playground Fun

1 Comment Add your own

  • 1. Erica  |  April 22, 2008 at 3:44 pm

    Congrats to Omer on finishing the playground! It looks great. Happy early Birthday Mel! 🙂


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