Archive for April 18, 2008

I Love You

I know everyone who’s ever been a parent will tell you that children change your life and that you will never love someone so much. Well I can totally understand now. I truly love hanging out with my son and generally enjoy our time together. I am thankful to my husband who allows me the opportunity to be with my son all day. I find myself just watching him with a big smile and when we are playing I will just give him a kiss or tell him I love him just out of the blue.

As there are many times before that I have just melted because of something Owen has done, nothing tops what happened today. I said “I love you” and he looked at me with those beautiful eyes and smiling face and responded “I love you.” These are the moments I want to remember the most. And it wasn’t just a one time thing, he will say it every time I say it to him.

There is one thing I have realized though that makes me a little sad, I barely have any pictures of Owen and I together. I am always the one behind the camera and with all the fun and loving moments we have a day I am never able to share the actual image. This morning, I wanted to get one picture of us, so I set the camera up for timer and went for the posed shot. Owen was very cute, he’d push the button on the camera and then run to our spot. Once the picture was done we’d go and look at the picture on the camera, and he’d announce “Mama!”. I think I got an okay picture, but would have been better if it was a little more focused, but hopefully with my realization I will get more pictures of me and my son.

I Love You!

April 18, 2008 at 10:50 am 3 comments

April 2008

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