What a Weekend!

April 13, 2008 at 6:51 pm 2 comments

We had a very busy weekend, but in a good way. Saturday was so gorgeous Owen pretty much played out back the whole day minus meal times and a super nap. He likes the patio (or what there is of it right now); he was stomping the pebbles and enjoyed pushing his lawnmower on the new surface. Other than that our time outside is Owen exploring the yard and picking flowers.

Omer started on the playground around 10:30 and then our friend John came over to help at 1:00 (THANKS JOHN!) and they plugged away on it until about 4:30. They got a good chunk if it done, but there is probably 4 more hours of work. Poor Omer was exhausted after his long day of work but when Owen woke up and immediately came outside, he wanted to explore this new structure. He went under it and then demanded “up please”. He was so excited with it and I think Omer was right about getting the one with the clubhouse; Owen seemed to really like the windows. He even told Omer “thank you Daddy”; that makes it all worth it. 🙂

We then had a couple friends over for dinner, and even though Owen hadn’t seen Jason and Michele in quite some time, he was all smiles for them. Then John and Jodi arrived and after a little bit he gave Jodi two of his flowers. She asked him to show her the flowers, and he quickly ran off to give her the flower tour, as I call it.

Sunday morning, right after breakfast Owen wanted outside. A bit chiller but on went the jacket and outside again. Omer started back up on the playground and after Owen’s usual outside routine he picked up his golf clubs to play with, he still only likes to carry them around and will kick the golf ball. 🙂 The boys last night moved the playground out to the yard, and Owen wanted back up to help Omer build. Then the boys were off to see Omer’s parents while I ran a bunch of errands. From what I hear they had a great time and Owen can now say “buyukbaba” which is grandfather in Turkish. He came home with a cute red truck which he played with the whole time and even took with him to nap with.

Then after his nap we are off to our friend’s house for dinner. Like I said, What a Weekend!

Omer and John Hard at Work, Nice to See They are in Good Spirits

John Left the Picture to Make it Look Like Omer Built it All

John was the First in the Playground

What’s Daddy Doing Up There?

Getting Help Up

Peeking Out the Window

“Thank You Daddy!”

Big Playground Smiles

Happy Son and Tired Daddy

Helping Daddy Build

Kicking the Golf Ball

Carrying the Golf Course

Entry filed under: Uncategorized.

Mystery Solved Patio Done

2 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Erica  |  April 14, 2008 at 2:20 pm

    The “thank you daddy” picture is absolutely adorable!!!!!!!

  • 2. Jenni Cooper  |  April 14, 2008 at 5:17 pm

    I agree Erica. These pictures are great!


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