First Shorts

April 10, 2008 at 11:59 pm Leave a comment

Today was really warm and Owen got to wear his first shorts of the season. Don’t know why, but I think he looks so cute in shorts and so grown up. My little boy is definitately growing up. This morning we went to Walker Nature Center in Reston for a toddler time. Owen got to play with stamps and create a flower craft and talk a walk to find the colors of spring. We had a great time.

Then this afternoon, we headed over to a friend’s house for a playgroup. Owen was being very hot and cold here. He would be having a great time and then just get angry, I think he was having trouble keeping hold of the toy he was playing with. There was a point where Owen wanted to go inside and play by himself. Makes me a little sad to see Owen get something snatched away from him or get pushed away. He won’t do it back or really defend himself too often so he just gets upset and I feel so bad that he doesn’t understand why they can’t play together. I know this is just this age, but still makes me upset for him. Thanks Tamra for taking pictures.

Ready for the Playgroup

Who is this lady taking my picture?

Playing with the Dump Truck

After dinner, it was of course back outside. Where Owen went straight to picking flowers. Omer gets a little trigger happy with the camera so there was a lot to choose from but he takes great pictures so please excuse lots of pictures of really one thing. 🙂

Running with Flowers

Picking Flowers by the Fence

Purple Flowers

More Running


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Another Hike Post Playground Dogs

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