Archive for April 8, 2008

New Outside Fun

As I have mentioned we are in the middle of building a playground for Owen. We finished the slide part and when we laid it on the porch, we both knew that until it was up Owen was going to drive his cars and walk on it. Well we were right. This afternoon, we went outside and he immediately ran over to it and announced “slide” and then started to walk back and forth on it. Then grabbed his cars and drove them over the hills.

Taking a Walk on the Slide

This is Fun!



Over the Hill

Then we were off to explore the new growth in the yard. Owen really likes to collect flowers (weeds) and we have lots of sprouting purple, yellow and white flowers (weeds). Luckily he hasn’t shown interest in picking and destroying the couple daffodils we have. He runs to the flower areas and then points and names the color of flower he wants, then I pick it and hand it to him. His favorite is definitely purple. He was holding so many that he would extend just one finger from his fist to try to squeeze one more flower in.

The Flower Collector

I had to go inside to start making dinner and Owen had no interest in following me so when I went back to check on him he was standing in the garden of weeds. (Soon this will house beautiful flowers.)

He was enjoying just holding his current flowers and talking about the ones on the ground.

Stomping the Flowers

Enjoying Spring Flowers

April 8, 2008 at 11:40 pm 1 comment


As anyone who has had or has a toddler knows that they can become very inpatient. We have been teaching Owen about patience and trying to instill this wonderful trait in him. He can say patience and enjoys saying it so that helps a lot. (I would recommend teaching this word to your child.) When Owen is being very inpatient, I very calmly tell him he needs to have patience, then he will keep repeating “patience, patience” and calm down and wait. Of course this doesn’t work all the time; sometimes he will repeat the word several times and then the word becomes more and more of a whine. But heck most of the time it works long enough for me to get what he needs or wants.

April 8, 2008 at 11:22 pm Leave a comment

April 2008

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