Archive for April 6, 2008

A “Lazy” Weekend

We had big plans for the weekend, i.e. go to DC to see the Cherry Blossoms, but with the rain and dreary weather today we decided to stay home. Wish we would have been able to go on Saturday, beautiful day, but we did get to enjoy a lot of outside play time. It by no means was actually lazy, we got a lot of house stuff accomplished but we didn’t do anything really exciting.

It was one of those Sunday mornings where you just stay in your PJs and enjoy being at home. We all sat in Owen’s playroom and enjoyed some family playtime this morning.

One of the most common games now is chase. Owen loves to be chased and I am still home base unless I am the one chasing of course. Owen gets very excited and screams and giggles. He will run away from Omer and then run and plop into my lap.

Playing Chase

Then of course Owen was caught and went upside down, also one of Owen’s favorite things. He will actually request to be “upside down”.

Upside Down

Owen loves to sit in his bear chair and recently has found it quite funny to bounce. Amazingly he bounces pretty high in the air. This activity always gets lots of giggles.

Getting Ready to Bounce


Recline and Relax

We ended our family fun with Omer jumping up and down and Owen trying to jump. He doesn’t quite understand how to jump but loves to stomp and bend like he’s going to jump.

Jump, Daddy, Jump


Daddy Helping Owen Jump

As you can see from the massive drool spot on Owen, it was time for all of us to get dressed. 🙂 We had a very nice day and even got some of the playground started (more of that will come later). I tried to give Omer a break throughout the day but Owen kept calling for him and just really had a desire to play with Daddy. I would come and try to play and essentially Owen would ignore me and look for Daddy. Ouch! 🙂 Honestly, I love how much fun they have together and that Owen truly looks forward to playing with Daddy.

I came downstairs to find Omer teaching Owen a new game, prepping him for street gambling. Never too early to receive these lessons. (HA HA) Owen would actually search for the blue car and got very excited once he found it and then quickly demand “again”.

Gambling 101

He Found It!

April 6, 2008 at 12:34 am Leave a comment

April 2008

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