Archive for April 3, 2008

Free Fun

This afternoon Owen and I headed over to our local pet store, Just Pets. I love this place because I know everyone who works there (I used to sell my dog treats to them) and it has a lot of cool set-ups for Owen to look at. He knows where we are going when I tell him and gets very excited. We walk in and he immediately goes back to the bird cage, calling “birds!!”. The bird cage is amazing, there are branches so you get to find all the birds and watch them fly all over the place.

Bird Watching

What is that? Looking over to where the macaws are. Owen likes to look at them but prefers the smaller birds.

The Macaws (sorry it’s blurry)


There is also a coy fish pond. Owen leans over to try to get a closer look.

Once we got home from our errands, we gave Chloe and Chester their new toys. They are always excited to get new toys, Chloe likes to nibble and clean her toy and Chester likes to play chase.

We also ran to the grocery store, where Owen likes to name all the balloons hanging on each aisle. Today I let him get the shark. He spotted him all the way across the store and kept calling out “shark!”, I figured I’d spoil him this time. He was beside himself when I gave it to him. He makes the Jaws noise “nananana”, and enjoyed making the shark swim around and we also had to play chase with the shark.

Owen and the HUGE Shark Balloon

He even took the shark to play cars with him.

April 3, 2008 at 11:35 pm 1 comment

Tank You, Welcome

I try my best to teach Owen manners; he is pretty good about saying “Tank You” among other things. Sometimes he will just say “tank you” on his own and sometimes I have to tell him “say thank you” and he will. I always say “your welcome” once he says it, and I guess he now relates these two sayings together. Occasionally he will say “tank you, welcome”. I just have to giggle.

April 3, 2008 at 6:31 pm Leave a comment

April 2008

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