Archive for April, 2008

“What Do You See?”

Owen enjoys reading Brown Bear, Brown Bear but not nearly as much as he likes to play our game. A couple weeks ago I started playing this game with him and he loves it. He will start it himself and even will do it with other items than his animals.

I say for example, “Panda Bear, panda bear what do you see?” Then Owen runs to his animal bin and pulls out one and tells me what it is like “elephant!” Then we go on “elephant, elephant what do you see?” and so on until all the animals are out.

Owen will also participate in repeating the phrases. He will say for example “Lion, lion what do you see? I see a tiger”. He never says the looking at me part. This morning he wanted to play our game and pulled the animal bin out and started.

“What Do You See?”

“I See an Elephant”

When he is really excited, he has started to run in place really quick. Imagine him quickly stomping his feet.

“I See a Taxi Cab” (He of course plays this game with his cars as well. )

April 30, 2008 at 6:41 pm 1 comment

Bear Hat

Today the theme in our Wee Play class was bears. We sang bear songs, read Brown Bear, Brown Bear, rode the parachute with their bears, played musical chairs with their bears, had a picnic with their bears, etc. But for our craft Owen got to make a bear hat. He has gotten much better at actually doing the craft himself and today his task was to put the bear stickers on his hat. He did a great job minus he but one right over part of his name, so his hat says “Owe Bear”. 🙂

It was cute to see all the kids keep their hats on during play time and snack. Owen even left his own when we got home, just played like nothing was different. I had to take it off as I didn’t want it going with him to nap.

Owe(n) Bear

Playing with his Hat on (good shot of all his stickers)

In Mid-Growl

April 29, 2008 at 5:33 pm Leave a comment

Baltimore Trip

Friday and Saturday we headed up to Baltimore to visit the aquarium and children’s museum. Overall the trip went great and Owen adapted to everything really well. We got up there late morning and headed over to the aquarium. We didn’t have too much time before the dolphin show but enough to see the frog exhibits. Right away Owen was interested. He kept pulling himself up so he could see the frogs better.

Then we headed into the dolphin show. We had to wait for about 20 minutes before the show actually started, but with snack in hand Owen munched away and watched the dolphins swim around. He was having a great time until the announcer made the crowd get really loud and startled Owen. He stood up and came and climbed in my lap where he remained while watching the show. We think he enjoyed the show, but not nearly as much as the rest of the aquarium. He watched with a very serious face at what the dolphins were doing and would occasionally clap and smile.

We got lucky and our hotel gave us a very early check-in so we were able to have Owen actually nap in a crib; we also got to sit back and relax. We were plesantly surprised but Owen took a great nap. And when he woke we headed straight back to the aquarium where we did the rest and much more fun part. The first tank we saw was the one with a couple sharks, and Owen gave a big smile. Owen ran right up to the tanks and got up on the steps so he could see better. He really liked to talk about the colors of the fish and even tried to count some at one tank. He got the concept of moving on to the next tank, but there were some he just wanted to stay and explore.

He got very excited when he got to see the crocodile, even clapped for him. And every time we would get ready to go to the next level he would want to be held up to see the big tank in the beginning from above. He would ask “turtle?”; he definitely related this tank to the one turtle in there. Every time we would stand and wait for the turtle to come, and luckily he came.

By far, the most exciting part for Owen was the spiral shark tanks. When we started the descent, he was calmly walking down and then he spotted the big cut-outs of sharks and kept screaming in excitement “sharks, sharks!” and began to run down the ramps. He could not get there fast enough. The shark tank area is really dark so hard to get good pictures but just imagine big eyes and smiles. He had no problems when they would swim right up to us and actually wanted to keep following the sharks to the next window. To get him to leave we had to actually say bye to the sharks.

The rest of the evening went pretty well and of course he took his sharks with him to bed. We stayed at the Brookshire Suites and they have a complimentary breakfast with Mr. Bite (shark mascot) who comes and visits with all the kids. It was great. He walked up to Owen and he just lit up, huge smile and tried to hand the shark the empty Cheerio box.

We took a nice stroll around the harbor and looked at the boats. Owen liked to talk about the water and birds the most. We then headed over to Port Discovery Children’s Museum. Owen had a great time running around and exploring all the different rooms. The museum is definitely geared toward older children but he had fun playing with the train, balls, letters, and water legos. To get him to leave a room so we could see what else there was, we had to tell him we’d go see the train again. He left every time and the big wooden train was obviously the big hit here.

As planned we left for his nap and he fell right to sleep, he didn’t stay asleep as long as I hoped but did sleep for a little over and hour and once we got home the lack of sleep didn’t seem to faze him. I really think he was just happy to be back home with his toys. Nothing like the comfort of home. He slept in this morning, always nice, and he started to ask for his sharks when he woke. I think the trip went great and we all had a wonderful time.

You can either view the slideshow below or Click Here to view the pictures yourself (they will be larger this way).

Vodpod videos no longer available. from

April 27, 2008 at 7:27 pm Leave a comment

My Birthday – Part 2

Well to continue from my previous post, we had a great afternoon. Owen took a wonderful nap and allowed me to get some stuff done for our trip tomorrow and relax a little. After he woke very happily, we got ready and headed off to the hike. It was absolutely gorgeous out there, so green. I decided to take the longer route and go to our original spot to the Potomac River. The river was very high and the rapids pretty quick, so I had to really watch the pups. But they enjoyed a nice dip in the river and Owen at this point got out of the backpack and was amazed by the huge river. He stood there holding my hand and saying “water!”.

After that we made our way up the long path, a little longer than I had remembered. We were back there for 1.5 hours, having a great time. Picking flowers, running after Chloe and Chester, and enjoying the amazing views. One of the cutest things Owen says is “step over roots”. This is what I tell him to prevent lots of tripping and he now says it himself.

Once we finally got home and Omer got home, we enjoyed some nice family play time; drawing with chalk, playing in his fort (not his cabin anymore), and swinging. Owen gave me a very cute card, actually handed it to me. Chloe and Chester even gave me a card. And of course Omer gave me a card and exactly the present I wanted, the necklace I have been looking at. 🙂

All in all it has been a wonderful birthday, and I just can’t stop reading the poem my husband wrote me. Who knew he could write like that. 🙂

Looking at the Potomac

Potomac River View

Taking a Seat to Look at the Green

I took this opportunity to try to get a picture of all three my kids. It actually worked!!!

My Cute Kids

Look at this View!!! (One of the reason’s I love going out there, so glad Owen enjoys it too.)

“Happy Birthday Mama”

“Happy Birthday Wife”

April 24, 2008 at 7:32 pm Leave a comment

My Birthday – Part 1

(Sort of, See Below) Today is my birthday, and in celebration of the most beautiful weather we have been outside most the morning. Usually it rains on my birthday, so this is exciting for me.

They have started to build the houses in the neighborhood going up beside us and this morning there was a bulldozer right by our fence. Owen was super excited and was running out to see it yelling “bulldoza” when it quickly started to come towards our house and he froze. He loved watching it but needed to be by me. It definitely startled him a little. We got to get up close and watch the bulldozer at work.

Later he wanted to get in his cabin so he could see the bulldozer a little better. Where he also saw from a distance a digger and dump truck. This is great entertainment for a toddler. Then we had to swing a little and play I see you.

Then we were off to meet some friends at a wonderful playground. Good find Ali! It is the park attached to the Sterling Community Center and is perfect for our age group. Ali pulled up right when I got there and Brice and Owen ran to each other and grabbed hands. We about melted. They held hands the whole walk to the playground. I can’t wait to show the boys these pictures when they are 16. 🙂

All the kids had a wonderful time at the playground. Owen even went through the tunnels, something he normally doesn’t do. And he kept climbing up to the top of the slides and then back down. He even told Brice “be careful” several times. He’s so cautious. 🙂 He got to ride in a dinosaur and climb some great structures. Seriously, the park is perfect for 2 year olds. And then my friend Lauren brought me the most delicious muffins. The chocolate was still gooey inside. Yum!

Look back later for Part 2, but I just had to get the picture of Owen and Brice up now so Omer could see the cuteness.

Bulldozer Watching (it’s in the top right)

Up Close to the Bulldozer

“Daddy, Bulldoza!!!!”

Bulldozer Watching Up High

The Mighty Bulldozer

Owen and Brice Running to the Playground (HOW ADORABLE)

Little Buddies

April 24, 2008 at 5:22 pm 1 comment

Happy Birthday Melissa

I hacked the blog today to leave Melissa a quick note.  Today is her birthday so please take a moment to wish her a happy birthday.  This blog has brought me a ton of joy and allowed me to feel like part of Owen’s day while I am at work.  She loves to capture theses tiny snapshots of Owen’s life and put them where we can look back and enjoy how our little boy has grown.  One day we are hoping that Owen will look back and read about the first few years of his life. 

As for my wife, I would like to wish you a happy, joyful birthday full of belly laughs and Owen hugs.

You are my rock, my cool breeze, my support system to pursue our dreams.  You are Owen’s base, you are his Sun, you’ve created a place where he can run.  You are Chloe’s world, only mother she knows, her life has been blessed and her smile shows.  You are Chester’s pillow, his favorite lap to climb, he’ll follow you to the end of time.  For us all you’re always there, through bad times and good, you’ve blessed our lives with all the love that you could.  Happy Birthday Baby, I love you.

FROM MELISSA: I didn’t even see this until Omer told me to look. 🙂 I didn’t even think to look below once I posted. But WOW what a perfect husband I have. That was so sweet, it even made me cry (a hard thing to accomplish). Thank you Omer!!!!!

April 24, 2008 at 3:29 pm 2 comments

People Driving

Owen has been very interested in putting his little people into or on his cars and making them drive. He doesn’t care whether they fit or not, he will make it work. He had a collection of people driving cars this morning.

Big Person Driving Little Car

Little Person Driving a Box

April 23, 2008 at 6:23 pm Leave a comment

First Playground Fun

This afternoon the rain stopped and became a beautiful day, so after Owen’s nap we finally got to head outside and play with his new fully-finished playground. He was excited! Thanks again to Omer (and John) for building the playground.

We played with the cabin part first. He enjoyedpening and going through the door. He also peeked through the windows and rung the bell.

Anyone Home?

Coming In

More Bell Ringing

Playing with Tractor in Cabin

Chester kept trying to climb the ladder so I helped him up so he could see what he was missing. He looked around and then jumped out.

Owen wanted to inspect the slide. He made his car and tractor go down the slide with lots of smiles. I got him to go down the slide and I think he enjoyed it but didn’t ask to go again.

I think the big hit were the swings. He gave lots of smiles and giggles and asked to get back up several times. We were playing a game where I swing in the other one and go the opposite direction so there are times when he can’t see me and then we cross. We kept saying “I see you!” when we passed. This got big laughs. Later he wanted to ride on the glider together. The boy loves to swing.

“I see you!”

Swing Smiles

April 22, 2008 at 6:00 pm Leave a comment

Another Busy Weekend

Do you see a theme for our weekends? The past month we have been swamped, all fun stuff but still very busy. I am looking forward to a weekend of nothing to do except enjoy some family time.

Saturday, we started the day off with a visit from Becko and Babaanna. Owen had a great time playing with his new tractor toy and of course we went outside to run around. When we told Owen that Babaanna was coming over he kept saying “Chief” (her cat). I think it is adorable that he has that association.

Then I was off to a bridal shower and Omer and Owen enjoyed some Daddy and Son time. As Omer has been working here and there on the playground after work, he really had hoped Owen would take a good nap as he has been and he could get it finished. But Owen had different plans. Poor Omer didn’t have much time to get the playground done at all, but did enjoy a visit to the fish store, one of Owen’s favorite places to visit. But once I got back, Omer was able to tackle some more of the playground.

Then on Sunday, we went to my Mom’s house for a whole family BBQ. We were celebrating my mom, sister-in-law and my birthday’s. Poor Larry had prepped all this fun stuff for everyone outside to find that it rained most the day. Oh well, it’s the thought that counts, right? We all still had a great time and it was wonderful to see everyone again.

When we got there, it had just stopped raining and the cows were in the front field, so with our track record of always missing them, we quickly got our coats on and went to see the cows. Owen loved it and kept moo-ing. After a wonderful long nap from Owen he enjoyed playing with his cousins, Michele, Nicholas and Emma. I have never seen Owen run around being crazy like that before, but wow did he have fun.

When we got home, it stopped raining long enough for Omer to finish the playground. Yep, it is all done!!! The only sad thing is Owen hasn’t been able to explore it because of all this rain, but we can’t wait.

Running to the See the Cows

Checking Out the Cows with Grandma

“Moo Cows Moo”

Moo Cow

Emma and the Cow

We went to find Cardinal the Bull. He wouldn’t stand up for us so we could see his full size (he’s over 1 ton) because he didn’t want to leave his dry spot.

Look at the Size of His Head!

Me, Owen, Grandma, Grandpa, Emma and Alice

More Cows

Owen Showed Pixey the Cat his Number 8

Emma and Owen

Owen was picking flowers and Emma handed one to him, it was adorable.

Owen Loved Playing the Piano with Jimmy

Grandma got this shirt for him and he was showing Jimmy the “DUMP TRUCK!”

The Whole (well mostly) Family for Present Opening

Notice Owen in the Middle, He was VERY Excited

More Piano Playing but This Time with Michele

Proud Omer – Finished the Playground Even With All the Rain

April 20, 2008 at 5:53 pm 1 comment

I Love You

I know everyone who’s ever been a parent will tell you that children change your life and that you will never love someone so much. Well I can totally understand now. I truly love hanging out with my son and generally enjoy our time together. I am thankful to my husband who allows me the opportunity to be with my son all day. I find myself just watching him with a big smile and when we are playing I will just give him a kiss or tell him I love him just out of the blue.

As there are many times before that I have just melted because of something Owen has done, nothing tops what happened today. I said “I love you” and he looked at me with those beautiful eyes and smiling face and responded “I love you.” These are the moments I want to remember the most. And it wasn’t just a one time thing, he will say it every time I say it to him.

There is one thing I have realized though that makes me a little sad, I barely have any pictures of Owen and I together. I am always the one behind the camera and with all the fun and loving moments we have a day I am never able to share the actual image. This morning, I wanted to get one picture of us, so I set the camera up for timer and went for the posed shot. Owen was very cute, he’d push the button on the camera and then run to our spot. Once the picture was done we’d go and look at the picture on the camera, and he’d announce “Mama!”. I think I got an okay picture, but would have been better if it was a little more focused, but hopefully with my realization I will get more pictures of me and my son.

I Love You!

April 18, 2008 at 10:50 am 3 comments

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