Archive for December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas!

Christmas this year was so much fun. Having a little kid around makes the whole thing more enjoyable and quite entertaining. We started the morning in the play living room for stockings for Owen and the pups. After I showed him there were things in his stocking, he kept digging in there to pull more goodies out. Even after it was empty and he carried it into the kitchen, he dug in to see if the magical stocking had produced something else. It was really cute. We also got him a table and chairs set, which at first he didn’t show much interest and then he got up there and sat and loved playing up there. He played up there most of the day. At one point I did look over to find Omer and Owen under the table. Owen climbed under there; so the boys had a cave. đŸ™‚

After breakfast we went to the Christmas tree and Owen immediately started opening a gift, luckily it was one of his. After the couple practice days, he fully knew what to do now. It was fun to watch him open his gifts and so excited to play with them. Several of them, he’s open and announce “cars, bus or trucks”. That was the theme this year – vehicles. He has tons now to drive around and make the sounds. Owen alos liked to help us open our gifts and when he saw it was of no interest to him, went to something else. We did have to take a couple breaks and read some of his new books and play with the toys between opening; it seemed a little overwhelming to him if we didn’t. Chloe and Chester also had a wonderful time watching all the chaos and enjoying their Christmas treats.

Later in the afternoon, some of my family came to celebrate Christmas. Owen enjoyed his visitors with lots of smiles and running around. A lot of the family could not stay for presents or dinner, but it was kind of nice having a more low-key, quiet Christmas (even though you all were missed). Owen’s aunt Jenni taught him that plane’s go “zoom”, and at one point Owen was holding one of his planes and flying it around the house saying “zoom”. Totally adorable! He was very good with the second round of gifts and enjoyed tearing into paper and bags again. Then we (Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt Jenni, Owen, Omer and I) all enjoyed a “quiet” dinner. Owen got a little tired and antsy, but he did make it through most of the dinner with some grapes and popcorn and then quickly went back to running around  and playing.

All in all it was a wonderful Christmas and I am glad to have celebrated it with my family (here and afar). We wish you had as joyous time as we did.

Click on the image below to view more. Once you are in the photo album click on slideshow. I also have some video at the bottom so you can see a little of our day.

Owen opening a gift from Uncle Kerem.

Owen digging through his bucket or vehicles.

Owen opening another present from us.

December 25, 2007 at 7:24 pm Leave a comment

December 2007

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