Archive for December 10, 2007

Not a Painter

This afternoon, one of the ladies in my Mom’s Group decided to hold a painting playgroup. She had all the kid-friendly paints and brushes and paper for all. I expected Owen to be a huge mess and really get into finger-painting. He showed no interest in what was going on. I got him to at least sit down with me and show him what he’s supposed to do and he did put his hands in it but then just looked confused. For most of the playgroup he played with the non-painting toys. I guess he’s not a painter (or maybe still too young to enjoy this activity).

He did enjoy carrying around the paints.

December 10, 2007 at 11:31 pm Leave a comment

Neighborhood Holiday Party

Our neighborhood holds a holiday party every year in the elementary school’s cafeteria. We all went over to see what the festivities would hold. I was a little shocked that it wasn’t a huge crowd, but it was probably best. There was about 20 or so families. Owen enjoyed running around and exploring the room. He went straight to the tree and kept pointing up to it says “lights”. We all enjoyed a yummy potluck dinner and I am proud to say my meatballs and cookies were all gone.

Wishing he was taller so he could grab the ornaments.

Wandering around as always.

The cutest part of the evening was this 3 year old girl named Corinne. She took to Owen quickly. She had this little orange kitty with her and when they met Owen pointed at it and said “kit”, and she handed it to him and told him he could borrow it. How sweet! Owen really liked her dress and kept touching all the sparkles. She followed him around most of the evening and Owen kept smiling at all her antics.

After dinner, everyone sang Christmas carols. Owen, Corinne and I sat up front near the Christmas tree. Owen enjoyed the singing and even danced a little. Corinne took this is her cue to dance with them; she held his hands and they swayed back and forth. Again, so cute! At one point she even gave him a hug and Owen gave a big smile. Could this be Owen’s future girlfriend? 🙂 (Sorry not more photos but we took the little camera so we didn’t look like the paparazzi and a lot of them didn’t come out. )

December 10, 2007 at 6:57 pm 1 comment

December 2007

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